Exploring Human Rights Violations

A WebQuest for 10th Grade Global History and Geography

Designed by

Melissa Stepanian

 Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Credits



Has society proven to be tolerant?  Throughout history, the human rights of certain groups of people have been violated. Efforts have been made to address these violations.  Through this WebQuest, you will investigate various examples of human rights violations that have influenced society today.  Additionally, you will be asked to think of ways to continue to educate others about the impact of human rights violations.


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The Task:

Task 1: We will view a photograph taken during the time of the Armenian genocide.  Working in pairs, we will create a concept map explaining what is shown in the photograph, why it is shown, and the emotions that developed as a result of looking at the photograph.  Each group will devise an original title for this photograph.  Armenian Genocide Photograph

Task 2:  based on our discussions, each group will select an example of a human rights violation issue that they would like to research.  Examples include: the Armenian genocide, Ukraine famine, Nanking massacre, holocaust, Cambodian genocide, genocide in Rwanda, and the Bosnian genocide.  

Task 3:  each group will work to prepare an “’are rights violated?’ documentary”.  Using photographs, quotes, documents, etc.  students will create a powerpoint presentation documentary to answer the following question, “To what extent have human rights been violated over time?  Why?”

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The Process:

Task 1: 

1.  the teacher will display an armenian genocide photograph using an lcd projector, smart board, etc.

2.  working individually, students will write down essential terms or emotions that come to mind as a result of viewing this photograph.

3.  working in pairs, students will create a concept map.  each concept map (web) should explain what is shown in the photograph, why it is shown, and the emotions that developed as a result of looking at the photograph. 

4.  Each group will devise an original title for this photograph.

5.  students will discuss how issues of human rights stir emotions and influence our society.

Task 2:

1.  working in groups of 4, students will select an example of a human rights violation which they will research for their project.  Examples include: the Armenian genocide, Ukraine famine, Nanking massacre, holocaust, Cambodian genocide, genocide in Rwanda, and the Bosnian genocide. 

2.  students may visit the following websites for research assistance:

A.  “armenian genocide”: http://www.unitedhumanrights.org/Genocide/armenian_genocide.htm

B.  “ukraine famine”: http://www.unitedhumanrights.org/Genocide/Ukraine_famine.htm

C.  “Nanking massacre”: http://www.unitedhumanrights.org/Genocide/nanking_massacre.htm

D.  “history of the holocaust”: http://www.unitedhumanrights.org/Genocide/history_of_the_holocaust.htm

E.  “Cambodian genocide”: http://www.unitedhumanrights.org/Genocide/pol_pot.htm

F.  “genocide in Rwanda”: http://www.unitedhumanrights.org/Genocide/genocide_in_rwanda.htm

G.  “Bosnian genocide”: http://www.unitedhumanrights.org/Genocide/bosnia_genocide.htm

H.  “Prevent genocide international”: http://www.preventgenocide.org/edu/pastgenocides/

I.  “ mass crimes against humanity and genocide”: http://www.religioustolerance.org/genocide0.htm

J.  “genocide, holocaust and democide”: http://www.genocide.org/

Task 3:

1.  using research from task 2, each group will prepare a powerpoint presentation documentary to answer the following question, “To what extent have human rights been violated over time?  Why?”

2.  students will present their powerpoint presentation documentaries.


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in order to evaluate students, the following rubric will be used:










Concept map for armenian genocide photograph


Student did not complete concept map for armenian genocide project.

Student completed concept map for armenian genocide project to some extent.

Student completed concept map for armenian genocide project to a great extent.



 research for assigned topic



Student did not conduct research.

Student completed research to some extent.

Student completed  research to a great extent.



Powerpoint presentation documentary



Student did not complete powerpoint presentation documentary.

Student completed powerpoint presentation documentary to some extent. 

Student completed powerpoint presentation documentary to a great extent.



Group work


Student did not participate effectively in group work activity.

Student participated in group work activity to some extent. 

Student participated in group work activity to a great extent.


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1.  through this activity, we have mastered concepts related to human rights violations and their  effects on society. 

2.  To continue your thinking, have we experienced more recent examples of human rights violations?

3.  Accepting the fact that we all wish to be more tolerant, how can we all work to make a difference?

For further reading:

1.  “Genocide: definitions and controversies”: http://www.ess.uwe.ac.uk/genocide/gendef.htm

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Credits & References

1.  “United human rights council”: http://www.unitedhumanrights.org/

2.  “prevent genocide international”: http://preventgenocide.org/

3.  “religious tolerance”: http://www.religioustolerance.org/

4.  “genocide, holocaust and democide”: http://www.genocide.org/

5.  “armenian genocide photograph”: http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/42603000/jpg/_42603199_mother_ani_203300.jpg


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